Worship is Foundational for Christian Discipleship
Gathering for worship is foundational for Christian discipleship, not a tool for self-expression or a means to pragmatic ends. How we worship both reveals and shapes belief. We gather to remember and reenact God’s Word and work in a way that impacts our living by shaping us into the image of Christ and equipping us for gospel witness.
Our worship is informed by the Word, shaped by the Gospel, empowered by the Spirit, and enacted by the congregation.
Those who serve in the Music Ministry of First Baptist Church are worship prompters who help the congregation fix their affections on God the Father, Son, and Spirit, and respond to Him in grateful praise. The Music Ministry affords opportunities for musically-gifted individuals to develop and use their God-given abilities to serve Him, His church, and our surrounding community in which He has placed us to be a light. We are also intentional about training the next generation of church musicians to be both theologically-grounded and musically-competent as faithful worshippers and future leaders.
Opportunities for Music Ministry Involvement
The primary voice that sings at First Baptist Church is that of the congregation. We deeply value robust congregational singing and invite all who gather for worship to eagerly “join the everlasting song” with us.
The Sanctuary Choir leads our congregational singing most Sunday mornings, regularly sings a variety of anthems, is prominently featured in our annual Christmas celebration, and leads in additional special events and services, including Holy Week, hymn festivals, etc. Membership is open to all adults. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:15 PM (childcare is provided).
The Sanctuary Orchestra joins with the organ, piano, and Sanctuary Choir in leading our congregational worship, plus performing occasional preludes or offertories. It is open to high school students and adults who play any orchestral instrument. Rehearsals are at 8:15 AM on Sunday mornings, plus occasional additional rehearsals for seasonal programs.
The Youth Choir provides an opportunity for students to unite in singing while gaining practical ministry experience and building valuable relationships with one another. The choir is open to all students in 6th through 12th grades, and meets on Sunday mornings at 11:30 AM.
Our graded choir program seeks to develop in its participants a love for music, a joy in singing and playing instruments, and a desire to use their gifts to worship God and edify His church. Children’s Choir consists of activities that are developmentally appropriate and divided into three different age groups:
- Angel Choir (pre-K, K)
- Music Makers (1st – 2nd grades)
- Young Musicians (3rd – 5th grades)
The choirs meet on Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM during the school year.
Handbell Choirs afford the opportunity for music readers of varying skill levels to hone their ability as musicians, learn the value of working as a tightly-knit ensemble, and offer unique and beautiful musical offerings in our services and seasonal programs. There are currently four handbell choirs at FBC for ringers of various skill levels. The ability to read music is required for membership in any of these ensembles.