FBC University (FBCU) sessions provide opportunities for learning and discipleship training. Sessions are in a short-series format, such as eight weeks during fall or spring. They are led by a mix of members and invited non-members, during Sunday evenings.

Each semester's sessions are described below.


Fall 2024 Classes


Classes for this fall will be announced soon.


Spring 2024 Classes


Spiritual Growth - led by FBC member David Carothers - Fellowship Hall - How can a Christian take the next step in his or her walk with God? How does someone mature as a disciple? This course is designed to give practical, hands-on tools and strategies to help believers grow in godliness.

How to Read the Bible - led by FBC discipleship pastor Douglas Renfro - College Classroom (north basement) - We can all agree that the Bible is our source of wisdom, encouragement, direction, and knowledge of God. We know that we ought to read God’s Word often and apply it to our lives, but how do we do that? This course is a practical look at how to read, interpret, and apply scripture to our lives.

Stewardship - led by FBC member Chad Wilson - Wilson classroom (southeast basement) - God has given us so much to manage beyond just our possessions. Time, talents, health, relationships, influence, opportunities, desires, and money are all resources that belong to God, but have been entrusted to us to make His name great. Join this course as we study passages related to these topics and get practical counsel on how to apply them to our daily lives.

A Study of Job - led by FBC member Frank Anderson - Choir room - Can God be trusted? Is He still sovereign even amid our suffering? The book of Job gives perspective on these and other topics as it poetically chronicles the suffering of God’s servant Job after a series of devastating losses. Job wrestles with God’s goodness while enduring accusations and criticisms from those he considers to be friends. This course will discuss this book in detail and show how we can and should respond to suffering in our own lives.

Fall 2023

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy - led by FBC member John Byler - Choir Room - The doctor said, "There is a mass on her pancreas." My first thought was, "No, God!" Then came to mind the verse, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." So began my journey of fear and faith. I was terribly afraid of what was coming but feared that questioning God revealed my doubt; but the questions remained. Come learn how the language and grace of lament will help walk a long and sometimes lonely road to a renewed trust in our faithful and always good God.

Going Deeper into Genesis - led by FBC senior pastor Dr. Scott Gilbert - Fellowship Hall - As you listen to the preaching of Genesis on Sunday mornings, you may have noticed parts of the book that you would like to study even deeper. Genesis is so rich in its theology and instruction to us that we cannot fully mine its riches at one time. Come receive a thorough study of texts, issues, and themes in Genesis and dig deeper into this incredible first book of the Bible.

Sacred Marriage - led by FBC members Jeff & Debbie Earnest - Wilson classroom (southeast basement) You might be planning your wedding or celebrating decades of marriage. Either way, come learn how we can use the challenges, joys, struggles, and celebrations of marriage to draw closer to God and to grow in our Christian character. Join us for a time of challenging discussions that can lead to a deeper love for God and our spouse.

Spring 2023

Caring for One Another - led by FBC member Dr. Aaron Kennedy - Choir Room - The church should be a place where no one feels unseen, neglected, or ignored. Yet, it's likely this happens more often than we'd like to admit. Most Christians know they are called to care for one another but perhaps do not know how. Through our care for one another not only is the church strengthened, but also our witness to a lost and hurting world is made manifest. In this class, through the reading and discussion, we'll discover biblical and practical ways to help us build meaningful relationships with one another. We'll use the book "Caring for One Another" by Ed Welch. The book chapters are designed to be read aloud in a group (no need to read anything beforehand!). The cost for the book is $5.00, which can be paid (online soon) or at FBC.

Church Fathers and Church Doctrine - led by FBC member John Hoeldtke - Fellowship Hall - These are studies of key individuals in the first five centuries of the Christian Faith and roles they had in helping to shape basic Christian beliefs.  Those who attend will learn something of the great struggles and efforts the early church had in correcting and clarifying truths about God, salvation and the Christian life — issues that are still very relevant in our times.

Neighborhood Outreach - led by FBC Pastor Douglas Renfro - College LifeGroup Room (Chapel) downstairs - This hands-on seminar involves two weeks of basic canvassing and evangelism training followed by several weeks of traveling to the neighborhoods surrounding First Baptist Church with the aim of praying for our neighbors and engaging in gospel conversations.

FBC classes for Youth - These will be grade-based. Watch your email to sign up.


Fall 2022

Everyday Faithfulness – A women’s discussion group in Fellowship Hall studying Glenna Marshal’s book, Everyday Faithfulness, led by representatives of the women’s ministry team. Register at the Welcome Center.

God’s Precious Promises – A look at the comfort and encouragement believers can gain from promises found in the Bible, led by Roger Ellsworth in the Choir Room.

Neighborhood Outreach – This group will be canvassing surrounding neighborhoods with an aim of prayer and evangelism, led by Douglas Renfro in the College Room (A016) downstairs.

Youth Discipleship Groups - These groups will be led by adult members. Girls will meet in the Youth area and guys will meet in the Family Life Center north classrooms.