To receive church-wide emails from First Baptist Church, click the Open button below.
- You will be sent to a secure webpage with a brief online form.
- Enter the required information and click Subscribe.
- You will be required to confirm you are a human by checking a box and clicking Subscribe.
- You will be returned to the FBC website.
What will I receive and when?
Emails commonly include our weekly prayer lists and periodic Evangel newsletters. There may be other time-sensitive messages, such as funeral arrangements for church members, weather-related changes to services, etc.
You will begin receiving church emails when the next one is sent, typically within a few days.
How can I get other church communications?
View the latest Evangel online through In the website's menu (top right), select Watch & Learn then Evangel newsletter (PDF). For past copies of the Evangel, please contact the church office.
You may also want to connect with FBC through our social media accounts.
- Facebook - firstbaptistjackson
- Instagram - @fbcjackson
- Instagram (Students) - @fbcjacksonstu
- X - @fbcjackson
- YouTube - @fbcjackson