For the Sake of God's Glory Among the Nations
First Baptist Church is committed to a very particular strategy in missions support and missions engagement. We seek to be intentional and strategic, taking careful aim at a specific target for the sake of God’s glory among the nations.
There are a few specific ways in which this strategic intentionality is employed:
First Baptist seeks to support its partners faithfully. This includes financial, emotional, social, and spiritual support.
We want to do whatever is helpful to our global partners, even if that is not exactly what we would have chosen to do.
First Baptist and its global partners seek to meet both physical and spiritual needs wherever they go, but recognize that every person’s primary need is reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ. This is why First Baptist partners with missionaries and church planters whose primary goal is making the story of Jesus known.
Instead of going to new and exciting places every year, First Baptist has committed to prioritizing gospel partnerships with individual missionaries dedicated to long-term service in a single place.
Serve Locally
Members of First Baptist Church are encouraged to be a light to the community of Jackson. Members can join in this effort by serving in specific efforts coordinated by the church or through volunteering alongside one of the many local ministries with whom First Baptist partners, such as:
- Regional Inter-Faith Association (Jackson’s year-round soup kitchen)
- Room in the Inn (a ministry serving homeless men in Jackson)
- Jail ministry (preaching the gospel to inmates in Jackson-Madison County Jails)
- The Read Team (teaching local 2nd graders basic literacy skills)
- Birth Choice (Jackson’s local crisis pregnancy resource center)
Serve through FBC Missions Partnerships
In addition to serving our local community here in Jackson, First Baptist Church members are encouraged to serve through the partnerships First Baptist has with a network of ministries, church planters, and missionaries around the world. Following the pattern of Acts 1:8, First Baptist organizes these partnerships geographically under the following descriptions:
- Jerusalem - these are our partnerships in Jackson
- Judea - these partnerships are outside of Jackson, but still within the state of Tennessee
- Samaria - these partnerships include ministries and church plants in the United States
- Ends of the Earth - these are First Baptist’s global missionary partners